
Friday, November 11, 2011

Under 60?

Today I was at the Holiday/Lions Fitness Center with all my kiddos in tow to renew my membership! I was filling out the information when a couple of little old ladies stopped to gawk at the twins and ask me a bunch of questions, which happens a lot these days.  

A guy comes up to the desk so one of the ladies moves to let him pass. The guy tells her that he is waiting for someone to help him at the desk and the following conversation happens…

Old Lady: Ok, just look and admire these beautiful babies then.

Guy: I have children of my own, I have no admiration left.


Old Lady: Well did you have two at the same time, huh, did ya!

Guy: No, No I didn’t.

Old Lady: Well then don’t be rude.

Mind you, I was not even involved in this little rumble (actually kept my mouth shut for once) but that little lady was pretty cute sticking up for herself and my babies. I finished getting my pass and moved along without a second thought to the grumpy guy when I heard the following exchange…

Guy: I would like a pass to the pool.

Front Desk Girl: Ok, uh…are you under 60?

Guy: Under 60? I am under 50, under 40!!!

Front Desk Girl: Oh sorry, I uh, didn’t want to charge you too much…

I couldn’t help smiling. Seems as though karma was sticking up for my little old friend!

Thanks, Love ya.

This is my Grandma and my twins. This story is not about her but I thinks she would have done the same thing!

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