Answer: Your drivers license is 7 months expired!
What is you give birth to premature twin babies a few weeks after your drivers license expired on your birthday and you had no idea!
Aren't they cute! |
Cut to 7 months later and the adventure of renewing said drivers license...
And my rant begins!
New rules here in Utah state that you must prove who you are with many forms of unexpired (key word) identification. I probably should have done a little research before hauling all the kiddos to the department of motor vehicles to wait in line for an hour to find out I was out of luck. Bad news is my passport is also expired and I did not posses a copy of my birth certificate. I did have my social security card which is apparently good for nothing.
Long rant longer, this is how the scenario played out.
Step 1: Obtain a babysitter! Thanks Grandma Becky!
Step 2: Obtain a birth certificate. It was $18 and I had to pay cash because my i.d. is expired and not knowing this before, because every where takes a debit card without checking the expiration on your i.d., I was left to dig through my purse to scrape together enough coinage to cover the cost. Paid, all good now... wrong, I still have the problem of the expired i.d. and passport so to prove I am me I must show the registration of my car which my name is not on! I think the lady just felt bad for me and accepted the car insurance paper with my name on it because she was worried I might lose it. Birth certificate obtained I was headed back to the
Step 3: Wait in line to get a number and have a fabulous photo taken.
Step 4: Wait for my number to be called.
Step 5: Eye test, pay money (here they accepted my debit card?) and everything looks good... nope, I get to take a 25 question written test because my license is more than 6 months expired, ahhhh!
Step 6: Pass a 25 question open book (thankfully) test!
What a day! Only thing I can say is let me be your example of what not to do. Avoid a headache and check the expiration date on your personal documents!
Thanks, Love ya.